
Artgerechte Beschäftigung für Wohnungskatzen: So bleibt Ihr Stubentiger glücklich und gesund

Species-appropriate activities for indoor cats:...

Indoor cats need enough activity to prevent boredom and behavioral problems. Games such as hunting and intelligence toys promote their physical and mental fitness, while scratching posts and places to...

Species-appropriate activities for indoor cats:...

Indoor cats need enough activity to prevent boredom and behavioral problems. Games such as hunting and intelligence toys promote their physical and mental fitness, while scratching posts and places to...

Die richtige Haltung und Ernährung von Kleintieren: Nagetiere, Hamster und Hasen

The correct care and nutrition of small animals...

Small animals such as hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits have individual needs when it comes to keeping them and feeding them. Hamsters need a spacious enclosure with hiding places and...

The correct care and nutrition of small animals...

Small animals such as hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits have individual needs when it comes to keeping them and feeding them. Hamsters need a spacious enclosure with hiding places and...

Die richtige Ernährung für Katzen: So bleibt dein Stubentiger gesund und glücklich

The right diet for cats: How to keep your house...

Cats are carnivores and require a meat-based diet with essential nutrients such as taurine, high-quality proteins and fats. Wet food is ideal as it covers additional fluid needs, while dry...

The right diet for cats: How to keep your house...

Cats are carnivores and require a meat-based diet with essential nutrients such as taurine, high-quality proteins and fats. Wet food is ideal as it covers additional fluid needs, while dry...

Die richtige Ernährung für Hunde: Warum Größe und Rasse eine Rolle spielen

The right diet for dogs: Why size and breed matter

Your dog's diet should be tailored to its size and breed. Small dogs need energy-rich food in small portions, while large breeds need a low-nutrient, joint-friendly diet to avoid obesity...

The right diet for dogs: Why size and breed matter

Your dog's diet should be tailored to its size and breed. Small dogs need energy-rich food in small portions, while large breeds need a low-nutrient, joint-friendly diet to avoid obesity...

Die optimale Ernährung für Hunde: Was dein Vierbeiner wirklich braucht

The optimal diet for dogs: What your four-legge...

Dogs are loyal companions and deserve only the best - especially when it comes to their diet. But what does a balanced diet mean for dogs? Which nutrients are crucial...

The optimal diet for dogs: What your four-legge...

Dogs are loyal companions and deserve only the best - especially when it comes to their diet. But what does a balanced diet mean for dogs? Which nutrients are crucial...